Legal Notice 

Hotel Engel GmbH

Kronenstraße 13

D-76275 Ettlingen


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  • Managing Director: Thomas Schall
  • Local court Mannheim
  • HRB 729003
  • Tax no. 31192/43815
  • Tax office Ettlingen
  • UST-Ident-No. DE315304930
  • Responsible for content according to §5 Telemediengesetz (TMG):
    Thomas Schall (address as above)
  • Design, programming, realization:


The content and works (including images) published on this website are subject to German copyright law. Any editing, distribution, reproduction and any kind of utilization outside the limits of copyright law require the prior written consent of the respective author. Downloads and copies of this site are only permitted for private, non-commercial use. Insofar as content on this site was created by third parties, copyright law is also observed here. However, should there be any content that violates the law, please notify me accordingly. This content will be removed immediately upon notification.

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The contents of this website have been created carefully and to the best of our knowledge. No guarantee can be given for the topicality, completeness, correctness and quality of all pages. Pursuant to Section 7 (1) TMG, service providers are responsible for their own content on websites in accordance with general laws. However, according to §§ 8 to 10 TMG, service providers are not obliged to monitor transmitted or stored third-party information or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activities. As soon as we become aware of specific legal infringements, this content will be removed immediately. Liability can only be assumed in this respect from the time at which knowledge is obtained.

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Legal validity of this imprint

(Severability clause)

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Note on the General Equal Treatment Act

For ease of reading, no gender-specific differentiation is made. Corresponding terms apply to both genders in the interests of equal treatment.